Persecuted Christians
Known by his deeds
Emmanuel’s life was characterized by using black magic, stealing, cheating people, lying, and fornicating. Then, he says, a strange thing happened.
A Christian from the local church visited Emmanuel and told him about Christ. Emmanuel reacted in anger. How surprised he was when the Christian returned the next day.
This Christian came four times, each time sharing with Emmanuel the love of Jesus through God’s Word. After the last visit, Emmanuel decided to go to church to hear the truth about God.
“I attended a church service with mixed emotions, and I was very confused,” says Emmanuel. “When the pastor began to preach, I felt shock—for the pastor was the person who had come to my house and preached Christ to me. The same one! I could not believe it.”
The pastor had been trained by the Bible League to do outreach in his Nigerian village. It was through the persistence of this believer that Emmanuel’s mind was opened to the true God.
Emmanuel made a decision to put his faith in Christ. “I have joined the church,” he says. “Now I can sing and clap and dance and I have a biblical understanding of salvation. God speaks to me through His Word. Praise the Lord!”
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Known by his deeds
Emmanuel’s life was characterized by using black magic, stealing, cheating people, lying, and fornicating. Then, he says, a strange thing happened.
A Christian from the local church visited Emmanuel and told him about Christ. Emmanuel reacted in anger. How surprised he was when the Christian returned the next day.
This Christian came four times, each time sharing with Emmanuel the love of Jesus through God’s Word. After the last visit, Emmanuel decided to go to church to hear the truth about God.
“I attended a church service with mixed emotions, and I was very confused,” says Emmanuel. “When the pastor began to preach, I felt shock—for the pastor was the person who had come to my house and preached Christ to me. The same one! I could not believe it.”
The pastor had been trained by the Bible League to do outreach in his Nigerian village. It was through the persistence of this believer that Emmanuel’s mind was opened to the true God.
Emmanuel made a decision to put his faith in Christ. “I have joined the church,” he says. “Now I can sing and clap and dance and I have a biblical understanding of salvation. God speaks to me through His Word. Praise the Lord!”
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