Persecuted Christians

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Thursday, January 25, 2007

persecuted christians

Back to their sensesFew things are more important to a Central Asian than maintaining cultural traditions. Throughout the existence of the Soviet Union, they were forced to conform to a Russian mindset, lifestyle, and even language. Free from this tyranny, Central Asians now cherish the things they can call their own. On the flip side, they are turned off by anything that looks, smells, or acts foreign.
In the eyes of these people, Christianity is an intrusive import from the West. According to the Bible League's Director of Central Asian ministries, it is viewed as "a boil.a festering sore" and "causes division." After all, a person's religion is not determined by choice, but by the family into which he is born. So to become a Christian is to turn your back on both your family and culture. And such an act goes beyond disrespectful-it's crazy!
It is for this reason that Central Asian Christians are persecuted on a daily basis-they suffer at the hands of those who intend to bring them "back to their senses." Families attempt to undo a Christian's "brainwashing" by isolating him, denying his rights, or even through intense beatings.
Restrictions from the topIn two Central Asian countries, the governments have enacted laws to deter radical religions-such as Christianity. In these countries, it is unlawful to meet in churches that have not been legally recognized by the government. However, there are so many rules and regulations in registering, that few churches are able to complete the process of gaining approval.
In one Central Asian country, it is also illegal to conduct a service in the national language. This law was enacted to stop Christians from "converting" nationals to a foreign religion.
Shocking evidenceHowever, through the prompting of the Holy Spirit, more and more Central Asians are discovering that they have been living under false assumptions. And in evangelizing this region, one question is turning the tide: "Why do you profess the religions of your conquerors, and forget Christianity, the faith of your forefathers?"
Amazing recent discoveries have shown that Christianity was practiced throughout Central Asia long before Islam or Zoosticism, the two predominant religions of today.
While visiting a Central Asian home, the Bible League's Director saw a pattern in the family's rug that demanded his attention. The design, common in area rugs throughout this region, was full of symbols that told the story of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection.
With the family's permission, the Director took the rug to an anthropology professor at the University of Chicago. Upon further study, the director's suspicions were confirmed: the Christian symbols predated the period when Islam spread to Central Asia.
Return to their rootsOne by one, Central Asians are discovering what Christians around the world have always known-God is truth. God is love. And God is longing for Central Asians to return to their ultimate cultural heritage through faith in Jesus Christ.
Pray for those Christians throughout Central Asia who are facing the torture of their families and governments-that they will continue to have the courage to live out their faith, regardless of the cost.
Pray also for their persecutors. Pray that as God's Spirit moves they will accept the gift of salvation from the one, true God.

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