Persecuted Christians

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Friday, March 23, 2007

persecuted christians

I thought you might like to be aware of this rare opportunity

Spring is here! But in a season bursting with new life, consider this stark contrast—and your response. 30,000 people in India will die today.* And in this land where people worship millions of Hindu gods, how many of them knew the one true God? When you give Bibles, you introduce them to Jesus.

They Want to Know Him
Millions of Indians are open to the Gospel, yet few encounter it. However, many who do come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. God’s Word is transforming lives in India today.

Be Part of the Action
You can help people across India discover Christ right where they are—today—without ever leaving your home. You can send God’s Word into action in India! You can send Bibles!

Double Your Impact
Right now, for a limited time, you can send two Bibles to India for the cost of one. Every $4 you give will place God’s Word into the hands of two people.

Bring New Life to India
This spring, let God’s love burst forth from hearts when they encounter His Word. Millions of people in India long for the hope and joy of the Gospel. You’ll give someone new life in Christ when you give a Bible. And remember, right now, for a limited time, every $4 you provide will provide two Bibles to two people.

Click Here to visit our website to make your donation

*Based on 2005 UNICEF death rates.