Persecuted Christians

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Friday, September 15, 2006

persecuted christians

What if this happened to YOU?
Imagine looking over your shoulder because you are studying a Bible, or worshipping in church. Imagine that if you are caught, you could be jailed, beaten, or even killed. To millions of Christians around the world, this is the stark reality.

Christians are persecuted daily
For instance, in China there is a crack down on unregistered house churches, disrupting worship, and arresting their leaders.

In parts of Central Asia where the state religion is mandated, Christians are considered traitors to their country and their families. Family members are beaten, and then thrown out of their house and onto the streets.

In the Middle East and parts of India and Africa, laws prohibit Christians from evangelizing, and forbid citizens from choosing Christianity over the religion into which they were born. Christians caught sharing God’s Word are chased out of town, beaten, or worse.

A cord of three strands
Christians worldwide are severely punished for breaking religious laws or religious tradition. Yet they don’t ask us to pray for their persecution to end. Instead, they ask us to pray that they will have strength to endure—and they ask us to send Bibles, so they may become stronger. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken (Ecclesiastes 4:12). Together, we—you, the Bible League, and persecuted Christians—can boldly shine the light of Jesus in areas of oppression.

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